WFES - World Future Energy Summit + Exhibition 2025German Exhibitors AESOLAR


Booth number: 7140

About us

AESOLAR is a leading PV manufacturer headquartered in Königsbrunn, Germany, with satellite offices in China, Turkey, US, Brazil, Georgia and Switzerland. Since our inception in 2003, we have positioned ourselves to be one of the leaders in the private sector. 
AESOLAR have a global distribution network in more than 100 countries. Our production lines are located in China and Turkey with an annual capacity of 2GW, and it is expected to complete production lines in Germany, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Greece in 2025, for a total capacity of 7GW.
Since 2021 Q1, AESOLAR has been named to Bloomberg New Energy Finance's Tier 1 PV module manufacturers in every consecutive quarter. The BNEF selection mechanism provides a strong indication of the fundability of the selected manufacturers and provides a trusted reference for the market.
Now that AESOLAR has passed its 20th year, we have maintained our belief in developing and supplying products and services while always staying true to our beliefs: delivering reliable, high-quality PV modules & being a trusted supplier of our partners globally.


Messerschmittring 54
86343 Koenigsbrunn

Phone:  +49 8231 978268-0

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